组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Hello! I'm Paul. I'm1 English boy. Here is a 2 of my room. You can 3 my desk. Two notebooks are on it. 4 are yellow and green. You can see an alarm clock on the desk, too. The clock is purple. 5 my pencil box is on the desk, too. A pen,6 eraser and a ruler 7 in it. The pen is blue. The eraser is pink, and the ruler is 8 , too. 9 is my schoolbag? Well, it is under the desk. My ID card is in it. My ID card 10 is 457-9807. A baseball is 11 the desk,too. But the baseball isn't 12 . It's my 13 . Is14 computer game under the desk, too? No, it isn't. Where is it? Oh, it's 15 my schoolbag.
