组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I had accepted an invitation from my friend John to visit him and his family on the dairy farm. Upon arrival, they told me that one of their cows would be 1 soon, which absolutely aroused my interest. "John, come out!", his father yelled. We all 2 ran out to see what was happening. Surprisingly, the cow had wandered away from the field and slipped down into a creek(溪流). We dashed there while John's brother 3 to the barn(谷仓) to get the tractor.

The poor cow was drowned up to her neck. She was in 4  birthing mode, in the middle of the creek. Everyone was enveloped with 5 . Some tried to get a rope around the cow to pull her up on the bank, but the fast running current 6  it.

Immediately, I jumped in! When I entered the water, I was 7  by the icy coldness.

Within minutes a sixty-pound calf was born right into my arms! We managed to 8  the newborn calf to safety. The others successfully 9 the cow and pulled her up with the tractor.

Then came our next 10 : how to get the calf warmed up! As I 11  him fiercely, my thoughts were totally focused on his 12 . He made it! However, since the cow had given birth in the water, her afterbirth, along with her scent(气味), had washed away. The new mother might not 13  the baby.

14 , the cow took only a short while to recognize her calf. All I had wanted was to see the birth of the calf, but to 15 as fully as I did was one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had!
