组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Finally, here came the big day: my first day in high school! I got up early and hurried out of the door in my excitement to get to know my new school.

The school was still quiet when I arrived, so I decided to walk around. I was looking at the noticeboard when I heard a voice. "New here?" Turning around, I saw a white- haired man. "Yes," I answered. "I want to see what life is going to be like here." "Don't worry," he gave me a smile. "You'll soon find out."

How true these words were! When my English teacher entered the classroom, I was surprised to see the same man I had met earlier.

"Good morning, everyone. Before we start, please come to the front one by one and introduce* yourself. I'll go first..."

"What?!" I tried to turn on my brain but the engine* just wouldn't start." I should say my name. But what else? What could I say to make a good first impression*? Something about my collection?" I was thinking about my words when the girl next told me, "It's your turn!"

With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed* deeply. "Hi, I'm Zhang Hao." Everyone started laughing. "Nice to know we share the same name," said my new teacher. I had been too nervous to pay attention when he talked about himself! Although I felt awful, his words made me a lot more relaxed!

When we had all introduced ourselves, Mr Zhang said, "Well done! I know this isn't easy. But this is like what you are going to face in high school. Challenges like this might sometimes put you under difficult feelings. But what you do decides everything. . That way, you'll make the most of your time in high school."

I guess this was a good beginning to my new school life.
