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A small robot that can change its shape and produce heat shows potential in targeting cancer cells and preventing internal bleeding. It can also be used for delivering drugs directly to tumors ( 肿 瘤 ) or inaccessible areas within the human body. 

Researchers, led by Ren Hao Soon at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, developed a centimeter-sized robot inspired by pangolins (穿山甲). It is constructed with soft and magnetic (磁性的) materials, allowing the robot to change its shape. 

To enable movement, shape shifting, and heat generation, the researchers applied magnetic fields to the robot's metal parts. By adjusting the frequency of these fields, the robot was able to heat up and give out heat into its surroundings. The team observed that the robot's body temperature could be over 70℃.

In addition, the researchers used the robot's heat to deliver substances within a simulated (模拟的) stomach environment. They attached something simulating medicine capsules onto the robot, which dissolved upon heating, thereby releasing the goods. This technique holds promise for targeted drug delivery inside the body.

Soon, his team also tested the robot's ability to halt bleeding. They created wounds using a dead pig's stomach. By pumping blood through a small incision using a syringe, they simulated bleeding. Subsequently, the robot extended and covered the area, giving out heat to help stop bleeding.

According to Jake Abbott from the University of Utah, the robot could potentially be employed for targeted destruction of tumor cells, reducing the need for exposing large amounts of tissue to radiation or chemicals. By raising the robot's temperature to a level unsafe for normal cells and keeping it in place for a few minutes, cancer cells can be killed.
