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April 28,2015. That was the day it started, the start of my new life. I woke up in ICU in the hospital, not knowing the extent of my injuries or what had happened fully. My parents came in to see me. They saw me awake for the first time. I started trying to move but failed. 

My dad bent down and said, "Jim, you lost your legs in the motorcycle accident."

My dad, growing up, was always very stoical(坚忍的). He raised me and my brother in the tough love style and showed very little emotion. So when I saw the pain and emotion in his face, I knew I had to be strong for not just myself but my entire family. 

I immediately told my parents, "I'd rather be here without them than not be here at all. "They smiled. First time I'd seen them smile since they walked in the room.

The next month and a half of recovery was long and difficult. I was unable to sleep at night. Thoughts began to run through my mind. Would I have a normal life? Would I enjoy the things that I used to enjoy? All I could do was look forward to the morning when my family and friends came back. 

I got released from the hospital on June 3, 2015, the day after my 27th birthday. I got home, finally, ready to start my new life. But I still had to figure out what I was going to do next. So as I was trying to figure it out, I had a couple of friends that were trying to help me out and get my life started. They were members of the Pip e Hitters Union Motorcycle Club. 

One day, they gave me a text message that said, "Give this guy a call. His name is David. He can help you. "I called David and soon we met. I had a meeting with him and his staff. He told me about his gym called ATF-the Adaptive Training Foundation. It was a non-profit organization aimed at helping people with disabilities come back to normal life through physical training.

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I filled out an application, almost immediately accepted into class.

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At this time, David advised me to find a job.
