组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Linda is from England. She has exciting job. She's been taking (photo) all over the world for many years, and she loves traveling. Traveling is exciting, sometimes it can be hard. Several years ago, Linda was in a terrible bus accident. A truck hit the bus and caught fire. She (save) by two tourists who pulled her out of the bus and took her to a nearby village. The people in the village took care of her as much as they could, but there weren't any doctors and there was no medicine, and she needed to get to a hospital. She was (bad) hurt.

Luckily, a stranger offered (help) her. Linda hadn't met (he) before, but he (drive) her for eight hours to a hospital in the city.

Linda nearly lost her life in the accident, but she had a goal. This goal helped her to get better and better. Her goal was to climb Alps(阿尔卑斯山) which is (high) mountain in Europe and just a few years  her accident, she did it!

Linda has never forgotten the strangers who helped her. She says she's alive today because of the kindness of strangers.
