组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Eileen Taylor had something sweet on her mind in the drive-through (汽车餐厅) line at Heav'nly Donuts. But it wasn't a doughnut (甜甜圈) .

Just the day before, a stranger ahead of her in line had1 paid for her coffee. "It made such a big difference in my day," says Eileen. She had recently2 her job as a physician's assistant, and money was tight. But Eileen was3 to pick up the $6 bill of the person in the car 4 hers. What she didn't know was that her5 would go around, and in a chain reaction, other6 would be inspired to pay backward too. In half an hour, 8 drivers paid for the7 of the person behind them in line. The doughnut shop's employees had8 this before. In fact, this Heav'nly Donuts was known as a special 9 — the manager Wendy Clement says her customers are the "best in the world". But, even so, the workers were amazed when a 15th car 10 to the window and the driver paid for the next customer. By the time the lines for the drive-through and at the counter were 11 , the shop had more than12 its previous record. Later that day, Eileen went back to pick up a coffee. Wendy told her what had happened. "Everyone was all13 ," says Eileen.

Now—working again as a physician's assistant, Eileen14 Heav'nly Donuts every Saturday morning, having a 15 —and paying for the order of the customer behind her.
