组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Cole Doss, 31, used his time on the microphone to make an announcement (广播) before the flight to honor his mom, a flight attendant for over 40 years.

"She's been one of my biggest supporters in my life and in my career (职业) becoming a pilot, ever since my very first flight lesson," Doss told passengers, later adding, "To my mom, I love you, and without you, I wouldn't have chosen such a great job."

Doss said the flight last month from Washington, D. C. to Madrid was not only the first time he and his mom had worked on a flight together, but also the first time his mom had been on a flight that he piloted.

"That was the first time I had been able to fly my mom ever," he said. "In flight school, she was a little nervous about the small planes, so I was never able to fly with her there." Doss said his mom typically works on Asia-bound flights, but when she learned he was piloting a flight to Spain, she switched (调班) schedules with a fellow flight attendant so she could be on the same flight.

On the day of the flight, Doss, having been a United Airlines pilot since February 2022, and his mom also worked on the return flight back to Washington, D. C. together. "I wanted to do something special to pay back my mom and let everyone know that this was a really cool event for both of us," he said.

"She was really proud of me so I'm sure she probably told most of the passengers that her son was flying up front," Doss said. In addition to his mom's role as a flight attendant for the United Airlines, Doss' dad and sister are flight attendants for the American Airlines.
