组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I was waiting for my flight at an airport. I was leaving for London because I got a new job there. It was said that my new boss was a typical English gentleman — polite, modest, humorous and considerate. I was excited as well as a little nervous about my new life.

With several long hours before my flight, I hunted for a book in the airport shops, bought a packet of cookies and found a place to sit. I took out the book and started to read. Although I was absorbed in my book, I happened to see that the man sitting beside me, as bold as he could be, grabbed (抓) a cookie or two from the bag in between us. Educated to be well-mannered, I tried to ignore it to avoid an argument. But to show that I was the owner, I started to take cookies from that bag too. Unfortunately, the man didn't get that hint (暗示), since he didn't stop grabbing the cookies.

"How annoying!" I thought. As the greedy cookie thief kept eating, I munched (用力咀嚼) some cookies and watched the clock.

I was getting angrier as the minutes went by, thinking, "If I weren't so nice, I would blacken his eyes." With each cookie I took, he took one, too; when only one was left, I wondered what he would do.

With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered me a half, and ate the other half. I grabbed it from him, glared at him and thought, "This guy has some nerve and he is so rude! Why didn't he even show any thanks?"

I had never known when I had been so angry, and sighed in relief when my flight was called. I took my belongings and headed to the gate quickly, refusing to look back at the rude thief. I boarded the plane, sank in my seat, and looked for my book, which was almost completed.

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As I reached for the food in my bag, my face turned red and my heart beat so fast. 

More awkward, I noticed the man sitting beside me. 
