组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Doing housework is part of our life. How about middle school students? We do a survey it among 100 students. We can get some information from the survey. A few of students often do housework. Some students do housework sometimes. And most students never do housework. This result takes me by surprise. Maybe some students dislike to do housework or their parents don't allow them to do housework.

It's important for middle school students to do housework, like cleaning, cooking dinner, collecting and washing the dishes or even washing the clothes. If you often cook a meal or clean the garden, you can do better in school — like schoolwork or problem solving.

Doing housework not only teaches you life skills but also makes you responsible for being a part of a family. It'll help you make better decisions and build confidence. Doing housework can also improve your abilities to work in the future and make you successful.

As a middle school student, it is time for you to do more housework and learn to be independent. Those skills will help you all your life.

Doing housework is learning. It's exploring. It's a fun activity worth trying.
