组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

The news plays an important role in our lives, which has been emphasized even further during the past year. If you find yourself beginning to feel negative impacts from the news, it is the time to start putting protective steps into place. 

Control consumption. This includes taking some time out from the media. . For example, do you tend to feel more negative impacts if you read the news when you're tired or just before bed, or during periods of increased stress? If so, you may wish to limit exposure at certain times of day or in particular contexts.

 . Never blame yourself for negative emotions. It is your right to feel how you do. In doing so, acknowledge that you have control over your reactions. This can help you feel more empowered to act positively. 

Focus on the positive. , try to find some other resources to focus on. For instance, during the current pandemic, the WHO suggests focusing on recovery stories. 

Seek support. Contact support groups or health care professionals. It's important to recognize the value of positive social support and to recognize that seeking help is a positive and strong step. These contacts can also help you find other helpful resources.

What works for one person may not be the best approach for another. Everyone is an individual. . Do not hesitate to seek professional help to guide you through this process.

A. Take ownership over your emotions

B. Take time to find what works for you

C. Always remember that you are not alone

D. It's also important to invest time in self-care

E. If you're being disturbed by negative news coverage

F. Staying informed and educated is particularly important

G. Alternatively, you may have noticed a pattern you are experiencing
