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Ashley ran home from school. Thanksgiving meant four days off. Driving from Ohio to Minnesota took one day, so she could spend two whole days with Emily. Ashley hadn't seen Emily for five months since Ashley moved to Ohio.

Over the phone, Ashley and Emily talked a lot. When Ashley got to Minnesota, Emily would show off her ballet steps. Ashley would draw a picture of dancing Emily. They'd be best friends forever like they'd promised. Only Ashley knew how to make Emily's favorite dessert, apple pie.

Ashley couldn't wait to get back to Minnesota with Mom.

On Thanksgiving morning, they got up before the sun and drove. Snow began to fall. Little flakes at first, then big. The freeway had no place to stop. The windshield wipers could hardly keep up. A snowplow(扫雪车) passed and Mom followed in its tracks. When the plow pulled off the road into a rest area, Mom pulled into the rest area, too. The driver lowered his window. "I have to head south next. Best you stay off the road a while."

"Thanks!" Mom said. She waved and parked the car, then turned to Ashley. "We'll stay here until the roads are clear."

"It's Thanksgiving. I brought Emily's favorite pie. She's counting on me." Ashley felt her eyes filled with tears.

Mom reached back to squeeze Ashley's hand. "I'm sorry, sweetie. We can eat pie tomorrow."

Ashley stared at the rest-stop building. A snow-covered truck and car were already parked. "Where will we stay?"

"The rest stop has a lobby and bathrooms. And heat. We can sleep on the floor." Mom pulled her coat on. "Grab your car blanket and pillow. It'll be fun, like camping."

Ashley scrambled out of the car and followed close behind Mom. Mom pulled open the door and they walked inside. In the middle of the lobby, a man sat between two little boys on a football blanket. A girl sat with her parents on another blanket next to them.

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"Welcome. Come share our Thanksgiving dinner," said the father of the two young boys.

The next morning, Ashley and Mom would continue their journey to Minnesota with no apple pie left.
