组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给出的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

In August last year, my parents and I visited our relatives in Princeton Junction, New Jersey. Every day I enjoyed walking a circular way starting from their house. One evening I decided to be 1  and changed from my 2  way-I was looking forward to a longer walk, confident that I would be able to find my way back.

My walk took me 3  the living area and into a beautiful place with an expanse of fields on both sides of the road. With the sun beginning to 4 , it was really a wonderful sight. After about thirty minutes, I noticed that I was not 5  back in the direction I had come. I searched for my mobile phone to get help, but it turned out to be left at home.

However, I remained 6 . Although there weren't any people about, there was some 7 and I was sure that someone would stop and point me in the right direction. As each car or truck came, I stopped and 8 , but time after time each one passed me by. No one seemed to feel any sympathy for me. About forty minutes, I was beginning to feel 9 . There was no one 10 and my family was completely in the dark as to my position.

When I just gave up all hope, a black SUV 11  me and stopped. A mother and daughter were willing to help. I told them I was lost and gave them my address. The mother pointed to a turning a little further down the road and 12  me I was pretty close to home. Expressing my thanks, I started off at a fast 13 .

I had been walking for about five minutes when I heard a car drive up behind me and stop. It was the mother and daughter again. They realized that they had not given me the correct direction.

They offered to give me a(n) 14 home, and I was so grateful for their help. During our brief conversation I sensed that the teenage daughter was going to a school party and would now arrive late. We didn't 15 names but I will never forget their act of kindness.
