组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Lofton (洛夫顿) is a little village not far from Manchester (曼彻斯特). Like many 1 villages near towns or cities, it's clean and quiet. Not many families 2 there, so the people all know 3. Most of them are friendly and helpful. Their homes are in Lofton, 4many people have jobs in Manchester. Some work in big factories. 5 work in shops or offices. Most of these people go to work by train. It usually takes them about 6 to go from Lofton to Manchester.

    In the evening a lot of people enjoy 7 TV. If they want to see a film or to listen to a concert, they 8 go to Manchester. There are no cinemas in Lofton.

    Life in Lofton may not be so exciting as life in the 9 cities, but it can be just as 10 as that in them. That's why people in Lofton love their village.
