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If you try to come back too soon after an injury, you run the great risk of re-injuring yourself—maybe even more seriously than before. If you come back to a sport after a long break, slowly increase your activity level by 10% each week until you reach your optimal fitness level. Don't let anyone force you to play before you become well again. Your doctor or coach will give you specific advice on when to return to your sport.

Taking time to get well is very important if you've had a concussion (脑震荡). Lots of athletes try to come back too quickly after getting a concussion—because they can't see an injury. They think they're ready to play. But jumping back into the game too soon puts a player at greater risk for another concussion, and other even more dangerous brain injuries. It's a rule in many states to get clearance from our doctor to play again if you've had a concussion. Your doctor will come up with a specific plan for you.

Many athletes use pain killers to avoid pain. If you feel a lasting pain, don't use pain killers to ease it, though. Taking large numbers of pain killers—or, worse yet, taking pain killers over a long period of time in order to play—can be dangerous. Pain is the body's way of showing that something is wrong. If you have pain, talk to your doctor.

The same advice goes for a cold—don't play if you're sick. You won't be able to concentrate if your nose is running faster than you are, which will put you at risk of injury. You may spread the cold to the rest of your teammates. It's better to wait until you feel better, so you can have a safe season.
