组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. staying  B. teaching  C. pushed  D. degrees  E. except  F. perfect

G. since  H. such  I. received  J. but  K. when  L. so

As a teenager, I had dreamt of plenty of places, such as movie theaters and museums,  the middle school I was in. At that time, I thought my school was  a small place that we could not do any funny things  play table tennis on the ground face to face. Another thing was that it was too close to my home that any behavior(行为) against the school rule would be noticed by my parents. So for a rebellious(叛逆) teenager like me,  in such a school was just like being caged in a box all day. 

Although there were few activities in my school, I quite a good education there. Most teachers who taught me there had university . Besides, the ways I was taught were not outdated(过时的)even by today's standards.

Now I still remember some of the teachers. The math teacher in my fourth grade was so . She not only had excellent skills, but also had a smile on her face. Even though I haven't met her again I graduated from school. I can still remember those days she me to become a top student in my class. Actually, in the beginning I was quite poor at math and even tired of study. Luckily she made me change greatly. Now I'm majoring(主修) in math. And after graduation, I decide to be a math teacher just like her.
