组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Becky's video diaries (录影日记). . .

Video 1 Usually we stay in England for our holidays (假期), but this year I'm happy because we aren't camping (露营)! Yes, this year we're on holiday in Spain, and we're staying in a nice hotel. Look! Mum and Dad are lying in the sun. My brother is playing football on the beach (海滩).

Video 2 Hi! Me again. And here's Dad. He's cooking something on the barbecue (烤架). He never cooks at home. Oh, what is that? I think he's cooking chicken. Oh no, Dad, it's black!

Video 3 Right. Hello. Today we're walking in the mountains. We're in a nice little cafe (小餐馆) and here's Matt, my new friend. He's eating paella (西班牙杂烩菜饭).

Video 4 OK. Here I am with my mum and we're shopping in town. Mum is looking at a dress for the dancing in the evening.
