For outdoor enthusiasts, it is crucial to be prepared for any sort of natural disaster in the open air It includes what kinds of disasters may strike, and what resources should be taken on your trip.
Desert areas are more likely to be affected by droughts; coastal regions are more likely to see hurricanes; mountainous areas are likely to avalanches(雪崩) in winter and landslides in summer. Therefore, always do some research ahead of time to help you find right survival strategies in different conditions.
While you're planning, the essential thing to consider is the things you should pack for your trip. Any disaster that may separate you from civilization for a period of time will require you to provide your own food, water, and shelter for at least a few days For disasters that may wet your equipment, flameless light sources are a must. What you bring with you should be suited to the disaster you might encounter.
Once you complete your survival plan, it's better to review it periodically. When a natural disaster strikes, you probably won't have time to go over a document or go online to seek advice.
If a natural disaster strikes while you are in the wilderness, you should put your survival plan into effect immediately Then contact others for help Do not wait around to see if the disaster is really that serious, do not panic, and do not easily abandon your plan.
A. But this is not always the case. B. It's also a good idea to bring light sources. C. That means having a disaster response plan. D. It's also great to consult with the specialists in person. E. Consequently, revising it frequently is strongly recommended. F. Different kinds of disasters are likely to occur in different areas. G. Stay calm, act decisively, and begin working to keep yourself alive. |