组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When I was in the second grade,my teacher gave all her students some seeds(种子). She told us to watch the magic of the seeds once we planted them. Excitedly,I put a few seeds in my pot. I watered them for a few days and purple flowers came out.

    In class,I reported back to my teacher that the magic was the purple flowers. My classmates reported back with the red,white or yellow ones. I was wondering why we didn't have green flowers. When the bell rang,we drew a conclusion” a flower garden is beautiful”,and this was my first gardening experience.

    Years later,one day,when we drone by Naperville downtown in a summer. Mom pointed out a big land.” Look,this is the community garden land.” she told me.” What is a community garden land?” I asked.” When people live in apartments or town homes,they don't have much land. People pay a little money to rent(租)a piece of land from the city. They can grow anything.” Why don't we rent one?” I curiously asked.” We don't need to. We have a house,so we have a small piece of land.”

    A few years ago,an older couple moved in next door. They gave us some tomatoes from their garden. They grew the best tomatoes I had ever tasted. I asked my mom to buy some tomatoes just like our neighbors'. Mon said it was impossible to buy those tomatoes from the supermarket.

    So,last year,I decided to try. I had my dad dig out a small land in the back yard of our house,put it some peat moss(泥炭藓)and mushroom compost(蘑菇肥). For the start,I only planted some tomatoes and cucumbers. Day by day,I looked after my garden and took out weeds(杂草).I was surprised to see that cucumbers actually grow on the vine,and my tomatoes had a special kind of earthly smell.

    At the same time,I found myself suddenly having an interest in weather. I always wished rain to water my little garden. My brother Alexteasedme.” You are an old farmer now.”

    One day,I found some tomatoes gone in one plant. I was a little sad. Who dared to steal my ttomatoes? It was a few rabbits. When I was about to drive them away,my dad stopped me and said,” Alice,the rabbits are thirsty. Let them eat as much as they want. Sharing your food is a good thing.”

    Later on,I found people picking a few tomatoes in my little garden and eating them with a satisfying smile. I never said a word. Instead,I felt joy in my heart. When harvest time came,I picked so many fresh cucumbers and delicious tomatoes.

    In America,people grow gardens everywhere. The air is always fresh and clean because of many trees,different plants and beautiful flowers. People there learn to love our earth,and love hearing the expression” go hug a tree”. Gardening needs lots of hard work and patience,but mother earth rewards us a lot.
