组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库
Answer the questions. 

A bear and a monkey were good friends. One day, they took a walk together. The monkey said to the bear, "Look, here are some banana trees on the side of the river but I can't swim. Would you like to take me there on your back?""Good, my friend, "said the bear.

Soon they got to the bank. The monkey quickly climbed up a tree and began to eat bananas. He threw the skin(皮) of the bananas to the ground. The bear could not climb up the tree. He walked about and then lay down to sleep. When the monkey found the bear asleep, he shouted, "Stop, stop! Someone is eating bananas!"the owner came and found the bear and the skin of the bananas. The bear was beaten(被打) and he felt sad.

When the bear took the monkey back, he asked, "Monkey, why did you shout?"the monkey said, "Oh, I had this habit and had to shout. "The bear understood and said, "I have a habit, too. I like to dance in the river. " With these words, the bear threw the monkey into the water.
