组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Seatrac, enjoy the sea

Seatrac is a chair on a moving walkway (移动的步道路). It can carry a disabled (残疾的) man into the sea. Once the man is in the sea, he or she can either sit in the chair, enjoy the water, or go for a swim. It is solar powered (太阳能) and can keep running, even if the electricity goes out (电耗尽). 

They send this Teddy Bear into the sky

Li Zhenghan is a student from the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC). He and his teammates fly a teddy bear up to 28, 000 meters above the earth surface (地球表面). It takes them 60 days to prepare for the test flight (试飞). It doesn't go well at first, but they solve all the problems and fly the teddy bear to the sky.


A Japanese company (公司) makes a new product (产品) to help sleepy workers take a quick nap (小憩) at work while they are standing. Giraffenap is a standing sleeping box. It helps people sleep while they're standing-- just like a giraffe (长颈鹿) does. It's about the size of a small payphone box. With Giraffenap, workers can quickly go back to work after having a small sleep.
