组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Bella J Dark is a little girl from Weymouth, England. She loves to read and has been writing short stories since she was three years old. 

When Bella was five, she drew a picture of a lost cat. Her father said to her, "Would you like to write a book about this cat?"

Bella thought this idea was fun. She then spent about five days writing the book, The Lost Cat. In the book, a cat named Snowy gets lost after going outside alone (独自) at night. Bella also drew and colored the pictures in the book. Only one drawing on the last page was drawn by her big sister. 

After the book was finished, Bella's parents took it to a book fair (书展). There, a publisher wanted to take a chance on the book. The book was published in January 2021 and more than 1, 000 copies (本) have been sold. In the same year, Bella was named the world's youngest female to publish a book by Guinness World Records (. 《吉尼斯世界纪录》) .

Bella is working on a sequel (续集) to Snowy's story in her free time. What kind of trouble will the cat get into this time? We can't wait to find out!
