组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear Maddy, 

I have two good friends, but they don't like each other. When we play together, they always quarrel (争吵). both of them are my friends. What should I do? How should I help them?


Dear Alice, 

That must make you feel (comfortable). So, it's a good idea to talk with your friends about it. Tell them how it makes you f. Hopefully, they will try to s their problems. A good friend should be willing to do that. But if they don't, it's not your p. Sometimes, people just don't get along. And if they try to say mean (things about each other to you, don't p sides. Tell them they should talk it out with each other, not you. If you're (plan) an outing or party, i them both and tell them that the other friend is coming. But don't be s if they don't want to come. They are (luck) to have such a caring friend as you!

