组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Public Speaking

It can be stressful to deliver a speech in front of people. What do you say? How do you catch people's attention? What do you do if you mess up? You can use the following basics about the art of public speaking to help you overcome these challenges and be a good speaker.

Point everything back to the central idea

Before you begin your speech, figure out your core message. It makes it easier to decide what to say and it helps you make every other decision, from the structure to the specific stories and concrete images that you include.

To make your presentation memorable, you can try using "sticky stories" in your speeches — honest, vivid anecdotes (逸闻) with details that engage the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. People remember stories and images.

Practice in front of people

Practicing your speech can ease feelings of nervousness and help you adjust your presentation. Ask a friend or a family member to listen to you as you practice. You can also take a voice memo with your phone and play it back to yourself.

Slow down and start again

If something unexpected happens in the moment — say you stumble (结巴) or lose your place — pause or slow down. Take a deep breath and go back to the beginning of a sentence or restate the word you stumbled on. And don't worry people don't notice those pauses as much as you think they do. The point is to set yourself up for success, not perfection.

A. Use vivid imagery and storytelling.

B. These problems will drive you mad.

C. Avoid big words and long sentences.

D. Even if someone does notice, that's OK, too.

E. Then make sure all the ideas in your speech point back to it.

F. There's also a chance to practice short speeches on important topics.

G. By doing so, you can get supportive feedback to improve your speech.
