组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

We all have projects that need to be finished. 

Believe it or not, the location in which you plan your project plays an important role. A crowded place means distractions (分心) which certainly means that you will miss out important things which should have been included in the plan. That's why I urge you to sit down and make this plan in a location where you can focus. If you for some reason cannot, there are other locations available such as the library, your work office and so on.

Do you know well about the actual purpose of the project? It's not uncommon that people forget to outline the exact purpose of the project in explicit terms.

If the purpose isn't well explained, it could lead to some confusions in the future as well as loss of time and money. Make sure you get it right in the beginning!

You may choose one of the two ways to start your project plan, either building everything from the bottom up or starting from the top and going down. The former case is usually the more difficult way to start; it would require you to know all the details of the project before you start the plan. The latter is usually the better way to start. Once you've done this, you can look at each individual entry and try to specify the details concerning it.

A.Where do you start?

B.Now let's talk about how to carry out your project plan.

C.It will help you start with a general overview of the project.

D.If you can find such a place in your home, that would be perfect.

E.It is certainly true that not having a purpose will result in failure.

F.To successfully carry out a project, we need to make a project plan.

G.Make sure it's understandable by all parties involved including yourself.
