组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Keeping the room tidy is one of the rules(规则) in Mia's family, but Mia doesn't like it. 

On Sunday afternoon, Mia goes to wash(洗) her white sports shoes after finishing homework. Her mom Mrs. Black asks her to put away her school things first, but Mia says,"Mom, I want to do it later. "

After washing the shoes, Mia comes to her room to put away her school things. After about ten minutes, she says to her mom, "Mom, do you know where my English notebook is? l can't find it anywhere. "

Mrs. Black says, "No. "And she helps Mia to look for it. After about five minutes, Mrs. Black says, "Oh, 1 know where it is!"

"Where?"asks Mia.

"Look! It's in our dog Tony's mouth!"

Mia goes to Tony and takes her notebook out of his mouth. She looks at Tony and wants to beat(打)him, but Mrs. Black says, "Dear, l know you are not happy. But why don't you keep your room tidy from now on?"

Mia is sorry and she finds that it is good to put away things. 
