组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

People in this town love to go to Sam's Shop. There are about one (百) school things in it. Some people(步行) to the shop. Some people (甚至) take a taxi to the shop. It looks like a very busy day today at Sam's Shop. There are some adults(成年人) in the shop, but (大部分) are boys and girls.

Sam is busy working at the counter(柜台). A girl says to Sam, "I want a box of

(蜡笔)." Sam says, "That is two dollars." Another girl says to Sam, "I need a (录音带)." Sam says to her, "Here is yours." A boy (站立) next to the counter and he says, "I need the (紫色的) watch. It looks cool. Here is the money." Sam says, "OK. Here you are." Another boy is (离开) the shop. There is a white (橡皮) in his hand. All the children are very happy in Sam's Shop. That makes Sam happy, too.
