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Jack looked a little uncomfortable, but he lifted up his eyes and looked into Charles's worried face and began, "APM is something that tastes sweet". Jack could see Charles nodding his head and smiling widely. "In carefully measured amounts*, it can make a person prefer one kind of drink over another. . . "

"Hey, Jack!"Charles cried out. "That's amazing! Just what we wanted!"

"I haven't finished, Charles…"

Charles apologized, still nodding his head, and Jack continued. 

"However, if we put too much APM into a product, people will want the product so much that it becomes really dangerous. It is harmful to people's health. People will have a headache and their memory will get worse and worse. " For a moment, Charles stopped smiling. "So what you're saying is:if we add too much APM to something, it's going to make it dangerous?"

"That's right. "

"But, if the amounts are right, we can use APM safely. Right?"

"Well, yes, but . . . "

"No problem then!'Charles laughed. 'I'm sure it'll be perfectly OK, Jack. I'll make sure everyone understands. "

"No, Charles, "Jack said, more impatiently this time. "Let me explain. I've been doing some thinking about this lately …"

"You certainly have, Mr Clever!"said Charles. "We're going to make millions of dollars on this one. Jack, Millions!"

"Charles!"Jack raised his voice. "Let me explain more clearly. APM is dangerous!If it is used in the wrong amounts. It can make people crazy. . . crazy with a need for. . . for anything they eat or drink. "

"Well, "Charles replied, more calmly now, "I understand it now, Jack. We have to be careful with these things. "

"At first, "Jack said, "I was excited by the idea of helping people to eat good food. There are too many sick people these days. I wanted to help with the problems. "

"Oh, yes!"Charles said. "Of course!"

"Yes, well", Jack replied, "I realize now that I was playing with fire. It'll be better if people put away the research and forget about it. It's too dangerous and just too . . . too wrong. You can see that now, can't you, Charles?"
