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How do you celebrate the new year? There are many ways to celebrate the coming of a new year. With so many countries around the world, it's no surprise that there are different New Year's traditions. Celebrating the new year can be a great way to hope for a good future.

Celebrate with food for good luck

In fact, eating New Year's good luck foods is something that's done all over the world. In the American South, eating black-eyed peas—a type of bean, greens, and cornbread together on New Year's will keep your wallet fat all year long. In Spain, people cat 12 good luck grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve. These 12 grapes stand for the 12 months of the year. If you eat these grapes, Spanish tradition says you'll surely have good luck in the coming year.

Exchange a New Year's gift

In Germany, people give a small gift to a loved one on New Year's Eve for good luck. This could be something like a small candle, book, or homemade cookies. Germany isn't the only country where there's a New Year's gift-giving tradition. Japan also has one, which is called "New Year's gift". This is where people place money in an envelope (信封) and give it as a gift to a child in the family, but it can also be given to adults (成年人) to bring good luck and welcome the New Year.

Interesting traditions

What may seem strange to you, might be a tradition to someone else! In Canada, some people celebrate the new year by jumping into the sea. For Russians, it is a tradition to write down a wish, burn it, and then put it into a glass. Then, they must drink it before 12:01 am. These traditions are all in good fun.
