组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The government of Tanzania has set up a new Internet service on Mount Kilimanjaro, a popular tourist area. At 5, 895 meters, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. It is also the world's tallest free-standing (独立的) mountain.

The mountain is part of Kilimanjaro National Park in the northeast of Tanzania. Around 50, 000 people visit the park each year. Most of these people—about 35, 000—are trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. But climbing such a tall,glacier-covered (冰川覆盖的) mountain is no picnic. About one-third of the people who try to climb it choose to give up in the end. Nape Nnauye, a Tanzania's officer (官员) , once said, "It was a little dangerous for visitors….without the Internet."

The government says safety is the most important reason for setting up the Internet service on the mountain. It will also allow people to post selfies (自拍照) with smartphones as they climb the mountain. The new Internet service can make it safer for climbers to reach the top of the mountain. They'll be able to use the Internet to check maps and find their ways. What's more, climbers will also be able to use the Internet to call for help if they need it. 

Tanzania depends heavily on tourists. Having people post pictures and videos on social media (社交媒体) as they climb Mount Kilimanjaro can certainly make it even more popular with tourists. 
