组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

In a small village,there was an old man named Ryan. He was very clever and he could always give you useful advice. One day his young nephew(侄子)Keith came to visit him. Keith was sad and worried about his little progress(进步) in learning the guitar. However hard he tried,he just couldn't improve.

Keith asked his uncle for advice."Follow me," said Ryan,and he led Keith up to the high hills around the village. This road was long and difficult but Keith followed the old man. As they got higher,Ryan said that he needed to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to. Keith didn't know why but decided to help his uncle.

It was really difficult for Ryan,so Keith helped the old man climb the hill. Sometimes Keith even carried the old man on his back. Finally, they got to the top. He put his uncle back on the ground and smiled happily.

"Do you remember the times when you were a little boy? Sometimes you returned home unhappily," said Ryan."The other children teased you.Do you remember why?"

Keith looked around and nodded. He remembered that as a child he often played on the hills with other children. They called this hill Mount Impossible,because small children couldn't get to its top."At that time I couldn't get here ,"said Keith."But the bigger kids had no problem."

"And today , " said Ryan ," you not only climbed here,but also helped me be here.""l became bigger and stronger."

"You didn't climb Mount Impossible every day,but you played on the smaller hills and became better at climbing. You became stronger ,"said Ryan."Mount Impossible became possible for you to climb when you weren't even thinking about it."
