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You may hear the awful saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks", which speaks to a common belief about older adulthood that it's a time when we've become so set in our ways that we're not likely to change.

Psychologists used to follow the same line of thinking: After young adulthood, people tend to become stabler as people age. However, more recent studies suggest that something unexpected happens to many people as they reach and pass their 60s: Their personality starts changing again. People's personality can change in response to their circumstances, adapting to a changing life. These developments clarify personality is not a permanent state but an adaptive way of being.

We can't say with certainty what factors are driving these shifts, but a few theories exist. One possibility is that personality is shaped by specific life events that tend to happen in older age: retirement, empty nesting or widowhood (丧偶). But such milestones aren't very reliable sources of change. They affect some people deeply, but have no impact on others. Any one event could mean many different things, depending on its context. Jenny Wagner, a psychologist at the University of Hamburg, in Germany, gave an example. Losing a partner could be a great loss, but for some it could be a bit of a relief at the same time-say, for someone who's been caring for their ill partner for years.

Granted, old-age personality changes don't always result from a sense of helplessness or an endlessly shrinking life. Research has shown that when people get older, they commonly recalibrate their goals; though they might be doing less, they tend to prioritize what they find meaningful and really appreciate it. That may involve adjusting to what they can't control, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're reacting to a bad life—just a different one.

At the same time not all of the changes coming with old age are unavoidable. And if old adults had more support from their communities and society, perhaps they'd be better able to command their circumstances—rather than having to make up for factors slipping out of their grasp.
