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How to Choose a Good Book

I'm a slow reader. In general, I can only finish two books in a month.Instead, I used to spend the time necessary to get the most out of the book without getting lost in details. But now I emphasize (重视) quality over quantity. How can we do that? How can we choose a good book to read?

Be curious. I believe that having the right attitude is the starting point. What is the right attitude to have? When it comes to self-education, the right attitude is curiosity. Because unlike formal education where external (外部的) factors push you to learn, with self-education you need to motivate yourself.

Find potential books. To find a good book to read, you should collect potential books to read. In my case, I usually put them on my Amazon wish list. How do you find these potential books? Well, my first source is bestseller lists.I can then decide whether or not the book is a good one for me. If it is, then I'll add it to my list of potential books to read.

With a list of potential books to read, how do you choose which one to read? In my case, I ask myself a question. Which book would make the most difference in my current situation? This question might seem simple, but if you use it, it can make a big difference in your personal growth.

A. Choose the books that excite me most.

B. Choose the best book for your current situation.

C. Curiosity is like fuel in your self-education journey.

D. This is fine for me because my target is on quality.

E. Reading books is a great way to educate yourself.

F I also follow some websites that often recommend good books.

G. Here are three simple steps on how to choose a good book to read.
