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Ten years ago, the professors Brian Lucas and Loran Nordgren encountered a contradiction. On the one hand, we recognize that other people are more likely to make creative breakthroughs when they persevere. On the other hand. when we feel stuck on a problem, most of us fail to sec how successful we'll be if we just keep trying. We tend to believe that our creativity drops over time — that if our best ideas don't come to us immediately, they won't come at all.

Lucas and Nordgren call this misunderstanding the "creative cliff illusion", which refers to the false belief that our creativity sharply declines after an initial period of effort, leading us to underestimate our ability to generate new and innovative ideas with continued perseverance. In one experiment, they asked participants to spend 10 minutes generating "as many original ideas for things to eat and drink at a Thanksgiving dinner as you can. " Afterward, participants were asked to guess how many ideas they would come up with during a second 10-minute period. Most expected to generate far fewer ideas the second time around, but in fact they produced just as many during that second period — 66 percent more than they had guessed. And those were rated by other people as more creative than the initial ideas.

Though we tend to think our ability to come up with ideas is easily consumed, we actually get more creative the longer we focus on a problem or task. One major reason for this is known as the "serial-order effect". Each next creative idea we have is likely to be better than the one that came before.

The serial-order effect isn't always easy to see. Most of us have adopted the belief that creativity should feel easy, or "fluent". And so we associate mental difficulty with pointlessness. But working through bad ideas is a necessary step in the creative process. The first solutions that come to mind tend to be either preexisting ideas or popular wisdom. These are the paths of least resistance. Though avoiding them requires some work, it's the surest way to find original ideas that aren't immediately manifest.

The serial-order effect applies to tasks that last minutes or days, but creativity also improves across years, decades, and even careers. The life's work of most successful entrepreneurs proves it.
