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As the U. K. and nations across the world mourn (哀悼) the death of Queen Elizabeth II, several aspects of the queen's 70-year reign have been resurfacing over the past few days. From her personal life to her colonial legacy to her beloved dog — many are attracted by the life of the monarch (君主) . According to some experts, part of people's attention towards the Royal Family not only comes from their respect for the queen but also from the trend of celebrity worshipping (名人崇拜) .

The idea of the British Royal Family taps into a collective desire for something that seems extraordinary, as opposed to the banality (平庸) of one's own life, Cheryl Thompson, an assistant professor at the School of Performance at Toronto Metropolitan University, told Global News.

Thompson said the fairytaleish aspect of the British Royal Family is what attracts people, adding that many are attracted by their luxury weddings, seemingly perfect lives and the media attention that follows. "People have grown up hearing about fairy tales with princes and kings and queens," she said. "So, you would imagine the castle has to be amazing compared to the two-bedroom apartment that you live in with your family … that whole idea of having servants upstairs, the luxuriousness of the dinner table — just brings all of that back into people's imagination."

Cele Otnes, head of the Department of Business Administration at the University of Illinois, said the Royal Family is "a complex brand" that is different from what one would normally associate with celebrities.

"They are a global brand that people love all over the world", explained Otnes.

"They're luxury", she said. People far and wide are "very interested in the drama and the tension that happens in the Royal Family."

"I think another one of the reasons the queen was so popular is that although everyone knew she was extremely wealthy, she didn't show off her wealth."
