组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

When caught in the rain, we have all run for cover —often to a nearby tree. On the way, we step over short-lived puddles (水坑) and hastily-formed streams, surprised at how quickly the soil changes from supportive and predictable to untrustworthy: slippery, soft, and spongy. At first chance we tend to flee, skipping further observation.

Given that direct observations are often impracticable, remote observation systems are crucial for capturing phenomena that are frequent and unpredictable. However, the Bimbache community of ElHierro observed water running down tree bark during fog events and captured it for drinking, washing and agriculture many years ago. If more contemporary hydrologists (水文学家) had watched fog by trees, forest managers might not have logged (伐木) the Bull Run Watershed, which reduced local rainfall by 30% in 


Water science faces criticism because of a "techno optimism that tries to solve all problems" . In fact, this issue extends beyond water science. An interdisciplinary research team led by John T. VanStan from Cleveland State University argues that scientists should go beyond the laboratory to directly observe weather phenomena. The researchers insist that hands-on observation of storm events is crucial for comprehending the complexities of wet weather.

"Natural scientists seem increasingly content to stay dry and rely on remote sensors and samplers, models, and virtual experiments to understand natural systems. Consequently, we can miss important stormy phenomena, imaginative inspirations, and opportunities to build intuition (直觉)—all of which are critical to scientific progress," said Van Stan's team.

This type of "umbrella science", they warn, can miss important localized events. For instance, in describing rainwater's flow from the forest treetops to the soils, the authors note that "if several branches efficiently capture and carry storm water to the stem, rainwater inputs to near-stem soils can be more than100 times greater." Likewise, water vapor (水蒸气) clouds trapped beneath forest treetop covers may escape remote detection, yet be sensitive to scientists on the ground. At the broader scale, these oversights can affect Ground Earth systems models, which often underestimate forest treetop water storage.

Direct observation, however, has gone beyond making up for the shortcomings of "umbrella science." Van Stan and colleagues see core value in firsthand storm experiences —not only for natural

scientists, but also for students studying climate change impacts on ecosystems.
