组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

With new faces everywhere, the time in Grade 1 was really tough for me. Since I was an Indian girl. nobody wanted to talk to me. Every spare minute was spent alone, and no classmates would group with me for projects.

Feeling lonely and sad. I was in desperate need of close friends. A girl named Fatin, who was cute, clever and talented, appealed to me deeply. However, she seemed to be avoiding me as well. Being only six years old, I didn't understand why people treated me like that. I opened up to my mother about all this. almost crying my eyes out.

Mom smiled, comforting me until I calmed down. She looked into my eyes and encouraged me, "Honey, don't worry. They're just not familiar with you. Try to bring out the best in you. They'll befriend (做朋友) you as long as they see your advantages." At that time, I didn't believe her, but Mom was right.

One day, my teacher, Miss Barbara, announced that there was to be a speech competition. I really enjoyed joining in speech competitions. Actually, I was quite good at them. The only problem was that the whole school would be watching me and I knew none of my audience.

However, I was determined to do it. I gathered all my courage, went up to the teacher and said, "Miss Barbara, I want to join in the speech competition." She stared at me, but then I saw a gentle smile on her face. She handed me an application form.

The next day, I arrived at school early to submit (提交) my form to the teacher. Miss Barbara said encouragingly to me, "For a new student, you have lots of courage. Do your best, Diya!" Rarely did Miss Barbara praise anyone. Her words lifted up my spirits that day. Until the competition day, I practised my speech whenever possible. I even designed the necessary hand gestures and did repeated practice in front of a mirror.

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Then came the big day.

As I went off the stage with my award. I heard Fatin call my name.
