组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

A lot of people think that college is all about getting good grades, but there are a lot of other things you could be doing to make your college experience more pleasant.

Always make study friends

It's way better to study with someone else rather than by yourself! If you have trouble focusing when studying, this will keep you off your phone and any other distractions, and you will feel the responsibility of actually studying since another person's time is at stake. Make sure you are arranging study sessions with the people in your class. You can make group chats through different platforms for you to meet in the library or online.

Attend your professors' office hours

Professors always have an enormous influence on your educational path. So, make sure they are getting to know you both as a person and as a student. Therefore, office hours are the perfect time for you to come to ask questions and show an interest in their class. Even if you don't have good grades, it shows that you are trying hard, and they love that.

Check your email

Please make sure you have a valid email address. Almost everything you do in college will involve your email. This is how most professors and every other person in the university community will communicate with you and vice versa (反之亦然).

Review the material that you didn't understand

Let's be real: There are two or three days a week when we just feel out of it. We often simply feel a lot of tiredness and very little motivation. It becomes very hard for us to learn something new or remember it. That is OK and every college student feels this way sometimes!

The important thing here is how we make up for the lost time to still have good grades in our classes, and I can give you a very easy strategy to follow. The key is to review the topic or material you were supposed to understand in class later that same day. Please do this!
