组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Opening the time capsule (胶囊)

Schools often ask children to write their plans for the future so they can place the letters inside a capsule along with other things of importance. In 10 or 20 years the capsule will be opened to see how the plans went. Read the plans of a few students. 

When I finish school, I will be an astronaut! I will fly to the moon and see all the stars. I will be researching new planets and places where people have never been before! Maybe I will even discover a new planet and name it! —Alex

I want to help people just like my Dad. He is a doctor and he is always working and doing good things for people he has never met. He can be making dinner at home and then, in an moment, he has to leave. "I will be back before you know it", he always says. He is a great man and I will be just like him when I grow up.—Misaki

I have always loved cars and car racing. One day, I will be the best driver in the world. I will be travelling my whole life to compete in all the biggest races on the earth. I will need to practice hard to be a professional (职业选手) car racing driver, but it will all be worth it in the end when I am the best in the game. Every time I step onto the track (赛道), the fans will be cheering and shouting my name. —Walt

I don't care about school, college or university. As soon as I can, I will be leaving this place to follow my dreams of playing music. I already know how to play the guitar and piano, but I will spend all my time learning seven different instruments instead of worrying about silly things like math! If I practise hard enough, I'll be playing for whichever band I choose.—Laura
