As one of Guangdong's intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) representatives, Guangzhou Dim Sum Brunch (早茶) is a long-standing custom that has been passed down hundreds of years. These delicious foods are now available for (we) to taste in Guangzhou's streets.
People in Guangzhou particularly enjoy drinking tea. they greet each other, they often ask, "How about drinking tea?" Why then do people in Guangzhou have such a strong preference for tea? In Guangzhou, tea focuses on both tea and dim sum (点心). More (important), drinking tea has developed into a cultural pastime for socializing and gatherings, acting as a bridge for communication in people's (day) lives. It is said that Guangzhou Dim Sum Brunch originated from old neighborhoods in Guangzhou. The earliest tea drinking places (call) "Erli Pavilion". Every day before (start) work, people would go to small tea houses and spend two cents to enjoy cup of tea and two dim sum, which are good and cheap.
In 2023, the custom of Guangzhou Dim Sum Brunch was included in the (eight) Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage List of the People's Government of Guangdong Province. Since then, this traditional culture (become) the best symbol of outlining the city's style and cultural charm.