Lots of young people have never experienced home-life. It seems that meals are cooked and clothes are washed by magic! We know many children can't wash clothes and cook meals. They don't clean the floor, make the bed or slicethe meat. Yes, they have homework but often no housework. But how are you ever going to learn the practical skills you will need in later life if everything is done for you? A change is coming. In China, schools are now thinking about teaching life skills as a subject.
We all need to prepare for real life, especially the housework. My parents had these skills, but they forgot to teach me. At university, I had to learn to shop, prepare my food and cook meals. I wish my parents or my teachers had taught me all of them before! Now, I feel very confident at home alone. I especially enjoy cooking.
Some people might say you can order food or book services online. In fact, good life skills will make you a better student, a better workmate and a better family member in your life. Making a meal needs good planning, skillful cooking, control of temperature and a good nose! It makes you smarter!
You need to start early. If you don't have practical life skills, your education will be incomplete. One day, you will wonder why you have no clean socks, and why some of your best friends can cook a delicious meal but you cannot!