We've all heard the phrase, "Work smarter, not harder." When it comes to studying, there are some very specific ways you can improve your effectiveness without adding loads of extra work.
Create a game plan. , create a game plan for exactly how you will study. Consider what you will study, how long you'll spend on each subject and what study methods you will use. This allows you to study the right materials at the right time. Take at least 10 minutes before your study session to map out your game plan.
. Taking the time to boil your notes down to a standard outline can help you grasp the overall concepts you're studying. You certainly can borrow or copy someone else's notes, but you must work hard to put everything in your own words. . Many times, understanding the big picture is just as important as remembering all the individual facts. Outlining allows you to file individual facts under larger ideas.
Maintain balance. Balance can be difficult to maintain in school but it's crucial for success. Don't spend all your time studying or all your time hanging with friends. Seek to carry out a balanced life. Make sure to maintain a social life and develop hobbies outside of school. Stay in touch with your family and keep them informed of your school progress. .
There's no way to get around studying. If you want to do well in school, you simply have to do it. But there are specific ways to study better. . To keep from spinning your wheels. By following the methods above, you can raise the quality of your studying sessions without necessarily increasing the quantity.
A. Outline your notes B. Write down your notes C. Before you begin your study session D. To make the most of your limited time E. The first thing you have to do is to create a game plan F. If you don't, you'll fail to understand the larger concept G. It's certainly a challenge, but living in balance will keep you on the path to success |