组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I' m Susan. I love going on holiday and I do it every year.

    My best holiday was staying in Maldives, at the Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort. I had a great time doing water sports and eating in restaurants near the hotel. And my boyfriend asked me to marry him there! We were walking along the beach one evening and he suddenly asked me ... After the walk, we had a special dinner on the beach, but I was so excited that I didn't eat much. And then we sat on the beach to enjoy the beautiful night.

    Last September, I went to Cornwall, England with my parents. I've been to Cornwall's beaches in the rain before, but we were lucky with the weather this time. The sun shone (照耀) every day. I decided to start surfing (冲浪) and learned it in just two days. It was fun.

    One of the worst things about travelling is losing the luggage (行李). Once, I lost my luggage in Baden-Baden, Germany. I went there to sing in a show. Baden-Baden is famous for its natural hot springs (温泉), but there aren't many clothes shops there. So I had to wear a friend's clothes.

    Holidays are good for a rest (休息) from work, and for learning new things. But-ten days on holiday is usually long enough for me, then I want to get back to work.
