组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I went on vacation with my family last summer. “Wake up! It's time to go fishing,” My mom woke me up. After having breakfast we got on a boat. Getting up at 6 a.m. was really early and I was not happy, but later, I had fun.

    My uncle caught (抓住) a big fish first. And my mom caught one, too. Then I caught a Black Drum. Next, my dad caught a big Sheepshead. Thecaptainsaid no one caught a big fish like this one. We were all happy when we heard this. Later we tried to catch small sharks (鲨鱼). My grandpa caught one, but it snapped the line (咬断绳子). My uncle caught one, but it also snapped the line. My dad caught one at last. It didn't look so scary but was a little funny.

    Then our fishing activity was over, and we went back with all the fishes. We were tired but happy!
