组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    It was a little dark(黑) outside yesterday. When I was having dinner,.

    It was a child. He said he found a phone on the football field(场).He found the number in the phone and called. Soon,.

    I asked the child to stay there. When I arrived, I saw a group of five children, aged about 7 to 9..They told me how they found the phone. They also told me that some bigger children tried(试图) to take it, but they didn't give it to them.

    I was moved(感动) by their kindness(好意).When I saw a shop nearby(附近的), and asked them to buy something to eat. They looked surprised. And then they said “thank you” happily.

    They were so cute. There were another three dollars in my pocket(口袋).I said to them, “OK, three more dollars..”“Oh, no!” they said. “Thank you, sir. We have enough.” When I left, they were still excited to talk about what to buy.


A. I gave each of them one dollar

B. the telephone rang

C. You can share(分享)them

D. They came running over to meet me

E. I knew it was my son's
