组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Pam! I heard about your exciting news!

B: Oh! Well ... I want to take a trip to New York but I must have a dwith my family first.

A: Amy told me you would take a plane. Did you buy a t ?

B: No, I don't have time to buy it.

A: Why not take the train? Taking the train is c than taking the plane.

B: Oh, let me think about it.

(The next day they met in the office_)

B: Emma, the train sounds fun, but I' m not going to New York.

A: You're not?

B: No, I changed (改变) my m.

A: Why?

B: Morn eme to take a road trip with her.

A: Where?

B: She wants to see her family in Norwood.
