组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Once in a small city, there was a storybook. He looked great, but there were no st0rie~ inside. People often picked him up, but put him down 1 because he was empty (空的). Not far from him, there was an inkpot (墨水瓶)full of ink for years Nobody 2 that was there.

    On time, a man put the story book next to the inkpot They told each other stories about 3 bad luck They did this for years until a pen came next to them The pen felt useless and sad. He cried, 4 the Storybook and the inkpot joined in.

    However, the pen was soon tired of crying. He 5 to improve the situation. He advised the storybook and the inkpot to write a story with him. Both of them 6 the pen, and together they wrote a very interesting story.

    A teacher walked by a few days later. He was sad. He had a(n) 7 keeping his students' attention (注意力). He 8 the storybook and picked him up. After reading the story inside, he found it very interesting. In class he told the story to his students, and they all 9 it and listened carefully.

    From then on, the storybook, the inkpot and the pen wrote a new story 10 the teacher every day. They felt very happy.
