组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
关于早餐,Linda,Richard,Cindy,Gary和Susan喜欢吃不同的食物。请仔细阅读⑴—⑸题中5个人的喜好,从A-F六个店铺中,选出他们最可能去吃早餐的地方。  (其中—项为多余选项)

⑴Linda lives with her grandparents.They usually eat traditional Chinese food.such as noodles and dumplings to start their day.

⑵Richard always eats the same breakfast every day.He doesn't eat much.A small piece of bread and a cup of milk are nice for him.

⑶Cindy loves fruit and vegetables.Sometimes she puts them together to make juice.But she never puts sugar into it because she thinks that's too sweet.

⑷Gary enjoys eating fast food.Hamburgers and hot dogs are his favourite.He knows cola isn't healthy for him,but he still drinks a lot,even in the morning!

⑸Susan has a sweet tooth.Anything sweet can make her happy all the day.She likes going to birthday parties because she can eat lots of sweet birthday cake.

A.Sullivan's Bread World:We have fresh bread every morning and you can enjoy a cup of coffee or milk with it.

B.Roman Holiday:We have a world-famous cook for you.Beefsteak or fish steak,a wonderful meal you can't miss.

C.Uncle Tom:Come here and save your time!Catch your hamburgers,French fries,hot dogs,cola and soda.Go,go,go!   

D.Little Ants' Home:Here you can find whatever sweet things you like.We are good at making cakes,candies,cookies and so on.

E.Fresh and Healthy:Apples,pears,grapes,mangoes,lemons…We little shop mixes the fruit with vegetables and gives you the best drink.

F.Aunt Lee's Kitchen:Fried eggs?Tomatoes?Beef?Which do you like to eat with your noodles?Tell Aunt Lee,she will get your breakfast ready quickly.
