组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    With all the reports of how unhealthy fast food is, why is anybody still eating it? The1 is, it is cheap, convenient and filling. The problem is that just one fast food meal can pack 2 calories, sodium and fat for an 3 day or more! Eating fast food too often can 4 a variety of different health problems 5 obesity. A recent study from Reuters 6 that fast food companies are increasing 7 to market themselves to children and through television ads and websites geared to kids. In fact, the fast food industry 8 more than $4.2 billion in 2009 on marketing and 9! Why do companies spend so much money on child-targeted advertising? Because it 10. These commercials cause our children to hunger for these 11 foods. And with the average child12to over 40,000 commercials a year, there is no13children have a desire for fast food.

    Because of the childhood obesity epidemic(泛滥), San Francisco 14 a law about fast food. The law, which took 15 on December 1, 2011, limits the fast food industry's practice of 16 toys with children's meals. Kid's meals must meet certain nutritional standards 17 they can be sold with toys. 18 must be less than 600 calories, contain fruits or vegetables and include beverages without excessive fat or sugar. Toys tend to attract children to these kid's meals so certainly this law will19.

    Eating fast food doesn't have to be a disaster. There are ways to make healthy 20. So while the healthier choices are there, it's really up to the consumer to pay close attention while ordering.
