组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    Your life is composed of all the little things we experience everyday, and knowing how to find joy in some of those little things is one of the easiest ways to let happiness slowly fill your cup. In order for that to happen, you need to do two very simple things, put yourself in such situations that you can experience happiness there, and then find a way to savour the experience and let it sink into you.

    To put yourself in the position of experiencing happiness every day, Lahan Catalino, Ph.D, at the University of California, San Francisco, recommends an approach called “prioritizing positivity”—organizing your day-to-day life on purpose so that it contains situations which naturally give rise to positive emotions. It involves both carving out time in your daily routine to do things that you really love and heavily weighing the positive emotional consequences of major life decisions, like taking a new job, and you will regularly find yourself.

    Then how can we find away to savour the happy experience and let it sink into you? Here is what psychologist Rick Hanson, the author ofBuddha's Brainexplains.

    Let a good fact become a good experience.

    Often we go through life and some good thing happens—a little thing like we checked off an item on our To Dc list, we survived another day at work, the flowers are blooming, and so forth. Hey, this is an opportunity to feel good. Don't leave the money lying on the table: recognize that this is an opportunity to let yourself truly feel good.

    Really enjoy this positive experience.

    Practice what any school teacher knows: if you want to help people learn something, make it as intense as possible—in this case, as felt in the body as possible—for as long as possible.

    When sinking into this experience, sense your intention that this experience is sinking into you.

    Sometimes people do this through visualization, like by sensing a golden light coming into themselves or a soothing balm inside themselves. You might imagine a jewel going into the treasure chest in your heart—or just know that this experience is sinking into you, becoming a resource you can take with you no matter where you go.

    It might seem a little cliche to say“stop and smell the roses”, but it's moments like those that can be stored in your happiness bank and withdrawn later. Living a happy life can be as simple as accepting the happiness that's already around you. If you want more, it's OK to go out and achieve it, but don't forget where happiness really comes from.

Let  Come Naturally With the “Little Things”

to let happiness come your way

*Put yourself in situations you experience happiness.

*Find a way to savour the experience and let it sink into you

Giving to positive things

*Organize your everyday lifeto experience positive emotions.

your time to do things you love as well as heavily weighing the positive emotional consequences.

Enjoying the experience and letting it sink into you

*Let a good fact become a good experience so that you have the to feel good. *Really enjoy the positive experience as long as possible

*When sinking into this experience, be of your intention so that it becomes a resource to take with your wherever you go.

*Happy moments like “stop and smell the roses” are

*Living a happy life can be as simple as accepting the happiness already around you.
